Whew! Thankfully yet another busy week (and then some!). Let's see...where do I begin?
June ended in a bang! I thought that was reserved for July, but I'll take this crazy schedule over the alternative ANY day! The last time I updated this blog, I was in Chattanooga at the Summit Camp with Kellee McCoy. Well, I finished there on Friday and drove to Birmingham to play a private party for my friends at O2 Ideas ad agency. The band included ad genius and friend John Zimmerman on guitar and vocals, Bob Norman on keys, and fellow P150's Tony Wachter on vocals & percussion, and Jim Pollard on drums. We played a mix of rock from various decades on their 3rd floor deck. It was great fun!
From there, it was back home for a day or so, and I managed to be able to play bass at the People's Church where we've been attending. Check it out on streaming video sometime (www.pclive.org).
Onto this past week. Monday and Tuesday found Jim Pollard and I doing a CD project at Bates Brothers Recording in Hueytown, AL (the wonderful facility where we did 'Spheres of Influence'). Eugene Bates played bass, Charles Harnach played keys, and Eric Bates masterfully engineered the tracking session for a local artist.
Bear with me...we're halfway there! Wednesday, fellow Tennessean Glenn Garrett and I played a mini-concert for a home Bible study in the Mountain Brook area of Birmingham. It was a powerful and Spirit-filled night. We made many new friends and I was able to share with these folks about P150.
Thursday I made a quick trip home to see the family and get some clean clothes (both very important items...lol). Friday I did a jingle with Tony Wachter and Steve Sample at AudioCzar (Tony's project room).
Last night (Saturday) a modified line-up of my band played a cool venue called the Coffee House of Trussville (located, oddly enough, in Trussville, AL). This place is a bit on the small side, so we stripped back to a 5 piece unit (me on electric guitars, Eugene playing bass for a vacationing Barry Page, Rick Sutton on acoustic guitar, and groovemaster Steve Sample playing drums). Helping us sound great were Jesse Reagan, his son Jonathan, and Shawn Roberts snapped some pics (including the one in this blog post).
It was a special night for me in that, with great friends backing me up, and great friends in the audience urging us on, I had the honor of playing a Beatles song with my brother Melvin. This guy is to blame for me picking up guitar in the first place. It marked the first time we've played together in about 25 years...wow! He has an amazing story that I hope to share with you in an upcoming issue of our "Spheres" newsletter.

Today we helped Rick Sutton lead worship at Genesis, a new church plant here in Birmingham. The message that pastors Dale and Amy Bowers spoke on was 'Jesus on Injustice'. We played some P150 standards (People Get Ready, When Love Comes to Town) along with a couple of worship songs. We played "I Will Trust In You" before the message, and finished the day with a rousing version of "Amazing Grace". I always get chills when I hear Tony sing such great lyrics with his powerful voice. All in all, an 'amazing' end to a great week.
Next week (tomorrow) I'll be on the road again with Kevin Williams as we play a week-long student camp down close to Montgomery, AL. Yes, that means I haven't been home in a while...sigh. But I've been praying for work, so God is faithful! Oh yeah, during all this activity I've been working on a recording project for LifeWay with my buddy Brian Green. Never a dull moment!
Ahhh...life on the road! Keep praying and I'll keep playing!
Ok, that was bad...I promise...no more puns!
God bless!
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