It’s Sunday night around 11:15pm Eastern time and I just checked into my hotel for the next two nights in beautiful Asheville, NC. And while the Gulf Coast tour with Reveal, the student choir of the Biltmore Baptist Church was over for me on Friday night, my work with Biltmore is not quite finished. The next two days will find me playing guitar on a recording project for their worship ministry.
Let me get you up to speed on the tour. Wednesday night we played to a packed house at the First Baptist Church of Biloxi, MS, where five different youth groups came together for an incredible event. Kevin and I and the band started the evening off with worship...the energy and excitement in the room was palpable.
Reveal came up and continued to lead us, and our speaker Gary Permenter tied all the lyrical threads together and delivered a powerful message. There were several decisions to follow Christ...to be honest, the room was so packed that it was difficult to see all that was taking place. But to say that God showed up and showed off would be an accurate statement.
The next two days were pretty much the same (school event in the morning for the band, work projects for the choir, and an evening concert for the entire group). I don’t want to overlook what God did in these events, but I don’t want this message to stretch into novel length either...lol. Our final concert on Friday took place in Bogalusa, Louisiana (about 2 hours north of the coast). Our contact there, John, told us some pretty hair-raising stories about his contact with Katrina. But it was a comment he made to Kevin afterward that I’d like to share. John said that the last 6 months or so have been the most depressing period in his life...and not only for him, but the entire community. This small town is virtually abandoned due to the devastation caused by the storm. But our concert that night brought new life and energy to the people there...dare I say that our music and vibrant relationships with Christ as expressed in our music has literally inspired the people to have hope.
That pretty much sums up the entire tour. It has also confirmed to me that my desire to bring the Project Onefifty band down to the coast is not just something that would be nice, but would be a huge benefit. I’ll be sharing more in the weeks and months to come about these plans.
For now, let me sign off. My day starts early tomorrow and I’m pretty wiped from all the recent travel. On a personal note, thank you for praying for Audra; she had her CAT scan this past Friday and Carol is meeting with the doctors tomorrow for the results. Please continue to pray...
Love you guys!
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