Well, April is almost over...and I’m off the road for a bit. And what a road it was! 25 out of 30 days found me on the road (or in the air) for a total of just over 11,000 miles!! Looking back, it’s hard to believe that we were able to go so many places in such a short time.
What’s even more incredible is what transpired during these journeys. It’s not ‘evangelistic exaggeration’ to say that literally hundreds of people heard about Christ...through word, song, and actions. From playing in pubs and venues in Ireland, storm ravaged schools and churches on the Gulf Coast, to helping other ministries with recording projects and events here close to home, the Good News was made clear. Many of the folks we met are now great friends...others we saw made important decisions about their spiritual condition. In any event, we were able to be an influence through our music. Me and the band were also able to help a Birmingham mental health agency raise over $10,000 in support for their programs...all through this gift of music!
And I have to thank many of you for all this. Your support through prayer and giving made this possible. From keeping us in eats and diapers on the home-front to covering travel costs to far-flung lands (and parts of Mississippi, too!), all of it mattered greatly in this effort. Thank you...thank you, thank you, thank you!!
But we’re not stopping here. Plans are already underway to return (with the band) to Ireland next April. We’re also working on doing some events down on the Gulf Coast. I saw firsthand how powerful and encouraging music can be in the lives of people dealing with disaster. And this year we hope to return to the studio for a follow-up to “Spheres of Influence” (many of you have already helped us determine what this project should look and sound like). Lastly, we want to help local churches too. We love leading worship and are planning a series of ‘house concerts’...if you want to host one of these, let me know!
Let me close by asking you to once again pray for us. I have been challenged greatly of late to go even farther beyond the walls of the church than ever before. I’m praying that God will open the right doors at the right time to take our music into places we as a ministry have never been. I honestly don’t know or understand exactly what this means...that’s why I need your prayers, so that our path will be made absolutely clear!
And please remember Project Onefifty in your financial giving. More than ever we need your help to help us continue to have months like this past April. I can honestly say that we don’t care where we go...we simply want to be used to help spread the Good News. By the grace of God, we will...
God bless you!!