I've had many different jobs in my life so far. Most of them have been in the music field, but some have been in related areas. And while the title of this entry suggests otherwise, I have never been a car-jacker. No, something much worse... a producer of radio spots!
Yes, I've been one of those guys who help create those wonderful one minute messages that interrupt the flow of your favorite radio programming (and I've done TV spots, too!). For a number of years I would each day see the lines of a script declaring that 'now is the best time to buy', 'prices will never, EVER be lower', and (a personal favorite) the promise that 'no one will be turned down' (never mind the outrageously fast and often unintelligible disclaimer legally disavowing said promises).
So after basking in the warm afterglow of nostalgia for those days filled with announcers screaming over a generically rocking music track, I was thinking about all the places I now get to work. Every week I get the chance to help churches all around the Southeast with the musical component of their worship services. Alabaster, Argo, Asheville, Hoover, Jackson, Spring Hill, Tupelo... these cities all have 'branch offices' of a place where each week you can encounter the most important message any of us will ever hear.
For those of us in the throes of a personal crisis, be it physical, emotional, or spiritual, now really IS the best time to discover true Hope. The price? Never lower! And there are no forms to fill out, no talking it over with the manager in the back room to see if we can get approved, either. The cost of hope for the hopeless is FREE (in fact, someone else paid the bill)!
The best news is that whatever despair we are feeling can truly be 'gone in sixty seconds' or less. All we have to do is to trust in Christ! It seems too good to be true, but I'll just end this entry with 'the disclaimer' found in 1 John.
"If we claim that we're free of sin, we're only fooling ourselves. A claim like that is errant nonsense. On the other hand, if we admit our sins—make a clean breast of them—he won't let us down; he'll be true to himself. He'll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing."
This freedom can be found anytime and anywhere... it doesn't have to be in church. But it sure is a great place to start.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Dilithium sharpens dilithium...
Glenn Williams is a great guy. Not only is he a fabulous drummer... he's proven to be a great friend. The past year or two have seen us both dealing with some 'life stuff' and it's been great to have a brother to help carry the load. He's been a sharp iron to my dull blade on more than one occasion.
But not only is Glenn a great musician and friend, he shares with me a deep passion for that incredible iconic and mythological beast known as... Star Trek!!
I know what you're thinking... geek squad! Trekkies (but that's 'Trekkers', thank you)! Lest I misrepresent, neither of us have ever been to a convention, worn a Trek uniform, or even consumed 'qagh' or 'bloodwine'! lol But buried deep in the DNA of every guy is the ability to quote lines from movies and TV shows, and Star Trek is the ultimate in technobabble.
It never fails that when the subject of Trek rolls around, Glenn and I will toss out more than a few quotes. But hey... when the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few... or the one, there's usually a Trek axiom to fill said need!
If you don't love Star Trek (shame on you!), right about now I just KNOW that your eyes are rolling around the back of your head, contemplating the desire for a root canal or an IRS audit. You are begging me to cut it out and speak like a normal person!!
But how many times as believers do we do much the same thing? Uh-oh...! Why do we feel the need when talking to folks outside the church to use such terms as transubstantiation, the Tribulation, the Rapture, condemnation, salvation, or use phrases that are sure to make Trek-speak seem almost palatable in comparison??
I'll be the first to admit that I am guilty in this... I think this 'communication breakdown' happens when we are constantly around other believers and never engage people outside the church. But I daresay that our actions are speaking loudly, even when our language is seemingly incomprehensible. Wow... I know that in my life and walk, these don't always line up!
So the next time you find yourself talking with someone and the topic turns toward spiritual issues, remember to speak English, or they might just think YOU are speaking Klingon...lol!
Live long and prosper!!
But not only is Glenn a great musician and friend, he shares with me a deep passion for that incredible iconic and mythological beast known as... Star Trek!!
I know what you're thinking... geek squad! Trekkies (but that's 'Trekkers', thank you)! Lest I misrepresent, neither of us have ever been to a convention, worn a Trek uniform, or even consumed 'qagh' or 'bloodwine'! lol But buried deep in the DNA of every guy is the ability to quote lines from movies and TV shows, and Star Trek is the ultimate in technobabble.
It never fails that when the subject of Trek rolls around, Glenn and I will toss out more than a few quotes. But hey... when the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few... or the one, there's usually a Trek axiom to fill said need!
If you don't love Star Trek (shame on you!), right about now I just KNOW that your eyes are rolling around the back of your head, contemplating the desire for a root canal or an IRS audit. You are begging me to cut it out and speak like a normal person!!
But how many times as believers do we do much the same thing? Uh-oh...! Why do we feel the need when talking to folks outside the church to use such terms as transubstantiation, the Tribulation, the Rapture, condemnation, salvation, or use phrases that are sure to make Trek-speak seem almost palatable in comparison??
I'll be the first to admit that I am guilty in this... I think this 'communication breakdown' happens when we are constantly around other believers and never engage people outside the church. But I daresay that our actions are speaking loudly, even when our language is seemingly incomprehensible. Wow... I know that in my life and walk, these don't always line up!
So the next time you find yourself talking with someone and the topic turns toward spiritual issues, remember to speak English, or they might just think YOU are speaking Klingon...lol!
Live long and prosper!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
On this 6th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, I (like many of you, I'm sure) have watched dozens of TV shows and heard hours of commentary on this tragic event. For some reason I felt prompted to take the numbers of the various hijacked flights and read the corresponding chapters of the Psalms (my favorite book). Psalm 77 in particular resonated with me personally; but instead of forcing you to endure my 'pontificating', here's the majority of Psalm 77 in the Contemporary English Version.
'I pray to you, Lord God, and I beg you to listen.
In days filled with trouble, I search for you.
And at night I tirelessly lift my hands in prayer, refusing comfort.
When I think of you, I feel restless and weak.
Because of you, Lord God, I can't sleep.
I am restless and can't even talk.
I think of times gone by, of those years long ago.
Each night my mind is flooded with questions:
"Have you rejected me forever?
Won't you be kind again?
Is this the end of your love and your promises?
Have you forgotten how to have pity?
Do you refuse to show mercy because of your anger?"
Then I said, "God Most High, what hurts me most is that you no longer help us with your mighty arm."
Our LORD, I will remember the things you have done, your miracles of long ago.
I will think about each one of your mighty deeds.
Everything you do is right, and no other god compares with you.
You alone work miracles, and you have let nations see your mighty power.
With your own arm you rescued your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.
The ocean looked at you, God, and it trembled deep down with fear.
Water flowed from the clouds.
Thunder was heard above as your arrows of lightning flashed about.
Your thunder roared like chariot wheels.
The world was made bright by lightning, and all the earth trembled.
You walked through the water of the mighty sea, but your footprints were never seen.'
Wow... guess I need to do some remembering of my own...
'I pray to you, Lord God, and I beg you to listen.
In days filled with trouble, I search for you.
And at night I tirelessly lift my hands in prayer, refusing comfort.
When I think of you, I feel restless and weak.
Because of you, Lord God, I can't sleep.
I am restless and can't even talk.
I think of times gone by, of those years long ago.
Each night my mind is flooded with questions:
"Have you rejected me forever?
Won't you be kind again?
Is this the end of your love and your promises?
Have you forgotten how to have pity?
Do you refuse to show mercy because of your anger?"
Then I said, "God Most High, what hurts me most is that you no longer help us with your mighty arm."
Our LORD, I will remember the things you have done, your miracles of long ago.
I will think about each one of your mighty deeds.
Everything you do is right, and no other god compares with you.
You alone work miracles, and you have let nations see your mighty power.
With your own arm you rescued your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.
The ocean looked at you, God, and it trembled deep down with fear.
Water flowed from the clouds.
Thunder was heard above as your arrows of lightning flashed about.
Your thunder roared like chariot wheels.
The world was made bright by lightning, and all the earth trembled.
You walked through the water of the mighty sea, but your footprints were never seen.'
Wow... guess I need to do some remembering of my own...
Friday, August 31, 2007
1147 Days...
I was looking back through the calendar on this last day of August... it's only human nature to reminisce, so permit me to do so for a few. I was researching some of the important events from the past few years and that prompted me to do some date calculating. And the answer is... 1147!! 1147 days since my first ever solo CD project, "Spheres of Influence" was released and performed live for the first time. The actual CD itself took over a year to complete, as we were jumping into Bates Brothers Recording in Hueytown whenever there was some studio time available. Some of the songs on SOI were birthed literally years previously. So, as you can tell, I don't tend to rush anything... lol.
Lots and lots of events in these 1000+ days... 2 trips to Ireland, a Japanese tour, a trip to the Middle East, and numerous camps, concerts, and sessions for a multitude of artists. Oh yeah... we moved too! On August 14, 2005 we completed 7 years of ministry at the Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, AL and moved the family up to the beautiful hills of Thompson's Station, TN.
The 2 years we've been here have been incredible... and that's true... but let me elaborate. There have been moments of incredible joy and spiritual breakthrough... and an equal amount of moments both fearful and tearful. To be completely candid, if I had the choice to do it all again... I'm not sure I would! I know with all the certainty in my heart that God moved us... and I'm learning that sometimes it's better NOT to know what's coming. If I had any inkling that these would be the toughest 2 years of my life, I would've run screaming! lol
But had I run from this call (like I had been doing without even knowing it), so many things would be different. While I imagine that we'd still be enjoying the comfort of our family and friends back in Birmingham, we would be missing all our new friends here in Tennessee. God has been doing an incredible work in my life and our family through our church home group, and I would not trade this for the world. We've seen people come into relationships with Christ, believers I've gotten to baptize, and God has allowed our music to be used in ways and in vehicles and venues I never dreamed possible.
So... what's next? The Year of Jubilee is drawing to a close, but we are poised on the edge of something wonderful. That sure sounds like 'Sunday school cheerleading', but I believe it with all my heart. The call that God placed is still there... and the influence that call creates is still rippling outward, like the lines of hope represented in the P150 logo.
Ok, enough big words! We're learning that this Project Onefifty thing is much harder than we thought... but when has anything really worthwhile EVER been easy? But through all of it, God has and will be faithful. I've used this verse before, but it really encapsulates what I'm trying to convey:
"But God's not finished. He's waiting around to be gracious to you. He's gathering strength to show mercy to you. God takes the time to do everything right—everything. Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones." Isaiah 30:18 (the Message)
1147 days... and counting!!
By the way... God IS great (more on that next time)!
Lots and lots of events in these 1000+ days... 2 trips to Ireland, a Japanese tour, a trip to the Middle East, and numerous camps, concerts, and sessions for a multitude of artists. Oh yeah... we moved too! On August 14, 2005 we completed 7 years of ministry at the Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, AL and moved the family up to the beautiful hills of Thompson's Station, TN.
The 2 years we've been here have been incredible... and that's true... but let me elaborate. There have been moments of incredible joy and spiritual breakthrough... and an equal amount of moments both fearful and tearful. To be completely candid, if I had the choice to do it all again... I'm not sure I would! I know with all the certainty in my heart that God moved us... and I'm learning that sometimes it's better NOT to know what's coming. If I had any inkling that these would be the toughest 2 years of my life, I would've run screaming! lol
But had I run from this call (like I had been doing without even knowing it), so many things would be different. While I imagine that we'd still be enjoying the comfort of our family and friends back in Birmingham, we would be missing all our new friends here in Tennessee. God has been doing an incredible work in my life and our family through our church home group, and I would not trade this for the world. We've seen people come into relationships with Christ, believers I've gotten to baptize, and God has allowed our music to be used in ways and in vehicles and venues I never dreamed possible.
So... what's next? The Year of Jubilee is drawing to a close, but we are poised on the edge of something wonderful. That sure sounds like 'Sunday school cheerleading', but I believe it with all my heart. The call that God placed is still there... and the influence that call creates is still rippling outward, like the lines of hope represented in the P150 logo.
Ok, enough big words! We're learning that this Project Onefifty thing is much harder than we thought... but when has anything really worthwhile EVER been easy? But through all of it, God has and will be faithful. I've used this verse before, but it really encapsulates what I'm trying to convey:
"But God's not finished. He's waiting around to be gracious to you. He's gathering strength to show mercy to you. God takes the time to do everything right—everything. Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones." Isaiah 30:18 (the Message)
1147 days... and counting!!
By the way... God IS great (more on that next time)!
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
The Girls of Summer (and one boy, too!)
Ahhh... summertime! Lazy days out by the lake... sunning by the pool... and then there's what I've been doing! lol
To be sure, I have had a time or two to enjoy the aforementioned activities, but I get to do them all around the country! So this entry will be an attempt to give you a glimpse into my idyllic life on the road!
Toward the end of June I had the awesome privilege of tracking acoustic guitar for an equally awesome Nashville artist and friend, Debra Soule (aka Deb Solberg). Deb is a great singer in the Janis Joplin tradition but to my ears a FAR better singer! I've been playing some dates with Rob and Deb and they went into Vibe56 studio with legendary producer/writer/artist Phil Madeira. What a great day! Great players, great songs, and the foundation for an incredible project. Check out Deb's site for details (www.debrasoule.com).
Another 'girl of summer' I had the joy to work with is Morgan Bracy (www.morganbracy.com). Nashville is crawling with lots of folks trying to make it in the biz, but Morgan is the rare artist with something to say with her music... and the music is great, too! I had the chance to fill the guitar slot in Morgan's band for a showcase and I hope to get to work with her again. She's taking a bit of a break to have a baby(!), but be sure to check out her site in the meantime.
July started off with a bang... and no, I'm not talking about fireworks on the 4th! In what is probably the most unusual job I've had, I was in front of the cameras taping some segments for a LifeWay kid's project. Yes, I am now a 'thespian'! lol In a tie-in to the project that will be featuring my song "I Will Trust in You", I play a character named Uncle Marcello and I tell kids about all the cool places I've been to and how they can be praying for ministry needs there. In a strange way it's art imitating life... but it's obviously something I'm passionate about; using music and media to reach people all around the the world with the Good News! As they say in the biz, 'film at 11!'
That brings me to another one of the Girls of Summer... Jen Breeze. Jen and Brian Timmerman attend our church (Brian helps with FOH audio and Jen plays in the band and leads worship from time to time). I had the honor to play on a few of the tracks for Jen's new CD "Something Real" (check it out at www.jenniferbreeze.com), which led to not one but TWO CD release events. The first was held in her hometown of Stuart, FL (close to West Palm) where Jen and her band (I was on electric guitar) played to a packed house at the Lyric Theatre. Needless to say, this hometown girl did very, very well. It was a 28 hour round trip by car, but I got to read the last Harry Potter novel from cover to cover on the ride home... lol! We got back to TN and played a cool little venue called Puckett's where Jen really wowed her adopted hometown. In all the press these concerts generated, critics would compare Jen to Melissa Ethridge (probably because of her gutsy vocals and great guitar playing), but to me she reminds me of Sheryl Crow. Jen is another artist with songs that tell stories from the perspective of a musician who is a Christ-follower, and not as a 'Christian musician'. While they may seem like the same thing to you, there's a huge difference where these talented artists simply share truth in a way that folks outside the church can really relate to. Hmmm... what a great idea!! :-)
Finally... a Boy of Summer, my longtime buddy Kevin Williams!! I just got back home last night from a children's camp held at Camp Windemere in Roach, MO (no, I'm not making the town up!). We were leading worship for 2 churches from the Ft. Smith, AR area, and it was a great week! At least a dozen kids accepted Christ as savior and it was an awesome week of renewal for me especially. You'll be excited to hear that our song "I Will Trust in You" was used in a huge way during our worship times. I can honestly say that I'm astonished how this song touches so many people. But I'm quickly reminded that God's word will never return void and that this song is simply one of His many promises!!
Sorry for the length, and I can blow some smoke about doing better next time... but you know me!! lol
I love all of you and hope you are having a great summer!!
To be sure, I have had a time or two to enjoy the aforementioned activities, but I get to do them all around the country! So this entry will be an attempt to give you a glimpse into my idyllic life on the road!
Toward the end of June I had the awesome privilege of tracking acoustic guitar for an equally awesome Nashville artist and friend, Debra Soule (aka Deb Solberg). Deb is a great singer in the Janis Joplin tradition but to my ears a FAR better singer! I've been playing some dates with Rob and Deb and they went into Vibe56 studio with legendary producer/writer/artist Phil Madeira. What a great day! Great players, great songs, and the foundation for an incredible project. Check out Deb's site for details (www.debrasoule.com).
Another 'girl of summer' I had the joy to work with is Morgan Bracy (www.morganbracy.com). Nashville is crawling with lots of folks trying to make it in the biz, but Morgan is the rare artist with something to say with her music... and the music is great, too! I had the chance to fill the guitar slot in Morgan's band for a showcase and I hope to get to work with her again. She's taking a bit of a break to have a baby(!), but be sure to check out her site in the meantime.
July started off with a bang... and no, I'm not talking about fireworks on the 4th! In what is probably the most unusual job I've had, I was in front of the cameras taping some segments for a LifeWay kid's project. Yes, I am now a 'thespian'! lol In a tie-in to the project that will be featuring my song "I Will Trust in You", I play a character named Uncle Marcello and I tell kids about all the cool places I've been to and how they can be praying for ministry needs there. In a strange way it's art imitating life... but it's obviously something I'm passionate about; using music and media to reach people all around the the world with the Good News! As they say in the biz, 'film at 11!'
That brings me to another one of the Girls of Summer... Jen Breeze. Jen and Brian Timmerman attend our church (Brian helps with FOH audio and Jen plays in the band and leads worship from time to time). I had the honor to play on a few of the tracks for Jen's new CD "Something Real" (check it out at www.jenniferbreeze.com), which led to not one but TWO CD release events. The first was held in her hometown of Stuart, FL (close to West Palm) where Jen and her band (I was on electric guitar) played to a packed house at the Lyric Theatre. Needless to say, this hometown girl did very, very well. It was a 28 hour round trip by car, but I got to read the last Harry Potter novel from cover to cover on the ride home... lol! We got back to TN and played a cool little venue called Puckett's where Jen really wowed her adopted hometown. In all the press these concerts generated, critics would compare Jen to Melissa Ethridge (probably because of her gutsy vocals and great guitar playing), but to me she reminds me of Sheryl Crow. Jen is another artist with songs that tell stories from the perspective of a musician who is a Christ-follower, and not as a 'Christian musician'. While they may seem like the same thing to you, there's a huge difference where these talented artists simply share truth in a way that folks outside the church can really relate to. Hmmm... what a great idea!! :-)
Finally... a Boy of Summer, my longtime buddy Kevin Williams!! I just got back home last night from a children's camp held at Camp Windemere in Roach, MO (no, I'm not making the town up!). We were leading worship for 2 churches from the Ft. Smith, AR area, and it was a great week! At least a dozen kids accepted Christ as savior and it was an awesome week of renewal for me especially. You'll be excited to hear that our song "I Will Trust in You" was used in a huge way during our worship times. I can honestly say that I'm astonished how this song touches so many people. But I'm quickly reminded that God's word will never return void and that this song is simply one of His many promises!!
Sorry for the length, and I can blow some smoke about doing better next time... but you know me!! lol
I love all of you and hope you are having a great summer!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Anyone have a rope???
WARNING: The following post is an attempt at honesty and transparency. That's not to say that my usual posts are full of lies and masks. At our home group meeting this past Monday, I realized that it's easy to be open and transparent when things are rosy... but I have a tendency to clam up during calamity. Ok... that was the disclaimer... onto the good stuff!
I can't believe that my last post was back in April... but who am I kidding? LOL I wish I could use my usual reason of being too busy, but while I have had a few trips and sessions, I am currently trapped in a doldrum. Like a sailing ship with no wind, I feel adrift on a becalmed sea.
Not that calm waters are a bad thing, but where there is NO wind, there is no movement. Not only is this a bad thing from a financial standpoint, in the spiritual realm it makes me question everything. I've had a number of events, gigs, and sessions either postpone or cancel outright. What the heck is going on?
I hear people talk about such times of drought, both physical and spiritual. It's an odd coincidence that much of our area is experiencng a severe drought. Grass once green and full of life now lies brown and shrivelled, the earth cracked and dry. I look around and see a very real image of my inner condition.
So what to do? As a Christ-follower, we have the answer to life's troubles... the Hope for the hopeless. Or at least that's what the ad campaign promised! But the truth is that we all have to traverse life's desert from time to time. We live in a world that is fallen and we have to live here. Cause and effect is the law of karma, but (as Bono has so eloquently pointed out), Grace has interrupted karma.
So if you are struggling like I am right now, we can take solace in the fact that we're not alone! And I'm not talking about knowing that someone else is in a crappy pit too! I'm talking about the true hope and truth that God is still sovereign and Christ's grace and mercy are still working. Listen to this incredible promise in Jeremiah 33:3...
"This is God's Message, the God who made earth, made it livable and lasting, known everywhere as God: 'Call to me and I will answer you. I'll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.'
So what to do? Have faith that truth is truth even in this postmodern era... even when the bills aren't paid... even when love has turned to infidelity... when people lose loved ones to the ravages of disease... when people simply have life happen to them. Wherever you are and whatever your situation, God tells us to call... and not only is he listening, he's promised that he'll even answer!
Is that a rope being lowered into this pit?? Boy, and it's a good one too! Woo hoo!
I can't believe that my last post was back in April... but who am I kidding? LOL I wish I could use my usual reason of being too busy, but while I have had a few trips and sessions, I am currently trapped in a doldrum. Like a sailing ship with no wind, I feel adrift on a becalmed sea.
Not that calm waters are a bad thing, but where there is NO wind, there is no movement. Not only is this a bad thing from a financial standpoint, in the spiritual realm it makes me question everything. I've had a number of events, gigs, and sessions either postpone or cancel outright. What the heck is going on?
I hear people talk about such times of drought, both physical and spiritual. It's an odd coincidence that much of our area is experiencng a severe drought. Grass once green and full of life now lies brown and shrivelled, the earth cracked and dry. I look around and see a very real image of my inner condition.
So what to do? As a Christ-follower, we have the answer to life's troubles... the Hope for the hopeless. Or at least that's what the ad campaign promised! But the truth is that we all have to traverse life's desert from time to time. We live in a world that is fallen and we have to live here. Cause and effect is the law of karma, but (as Bono has so eloquently pointed out), Grace has interrupted karma.
So if you are struggling like I am right now, we can take solace in the fact that we're not alone! And I'm not talking about knowing that someone else is in a crappy pit too! I'm talking about the true hope and truth that God is still sovereign and Christ's grace and mercy are still working. Listen to this incredible promise in Jeremiah 33:3...
"This is God's Message, the God who made earth, made it livable and lasting, known everywhere as God: 'Call to me and I will answer you. I'll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.'
So what to do? Have faith that truth is truth even in this postmodern era... even when the bills aren't paid... even when love has turned to infidelity... when people lose loved ones to the ravages of disease... when people simply have life happen to them. Wherever you are and whatever your situation, God tells us to call... and not only is he listening, he's promised that he'll even answer!
Is that a rope being lowered into this pit?? Boy, and it's a good one too! Woo hoo!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
"You Are My 'Density'"
One of my favorite movie scenes occurs in 1985's "Back to the Future". You all know the story of young Marty McFly inadvertently traveling back to 1955 and his quest to make certain his future Mom & Dad will meet and have their first kiss.
The scene I love is in the coffee shop where nerdy George McFly is trying to pluck up enough courage to actually talk to the wildly popular Lorraine. Marty had been coaching his 'Dad-da-daddyo' in great opening lines, with George literally taking notes.
With a rumble taking place between Marty 'Calvin Klein' McFly and the metaphorically challenged Biff Tannen, George (reading from his notepad) proclaims his love for Lorraine with the words "you are my 'density'"!
Her puzzled look forces George to re-read his notes, and time seems to stand still as he correctly exclaims:
"You are my destiny!"
Destiny... my dictionary defines it as "the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future".
This past weekend I was playing with Glenn Garrett (www.glenngarrett.com) down at Auburn University to a small but passionate group of students. Glenn's challenge is still ringing in my ears, that the greatest force in the universe is love, and that we all have a destiny. As Christ-followers our destiny is to love Him and love our neighbors, and in doing so both fulfill and proclaim this destiny.
I've seen many moments of this fulfillment in my faith journey... but equally as many where we've fallen woefully short of the mark. But lately I have been reminded at every turn of the longing in every heart for love, acceptance, community, and purpose. The Bible explains this desire in that "...He has also set eternity in the hearts of men..." (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV)
The implication is huge; in other words, this destiny is not the working of some 'hidden power', but the God-breathed and inspired plan He has for each one of us!
Now that's a destiny to look forward to!!
The scene I love is in the coffee shop where nerdy George McFly is trying to pluck up enough courage to actually talk to the wildly popular Lorraine. Marty had been coaching his 'Dad-da-daddyo' in great opening lines, with George literally taking notes.
With a rumble taking place between Marty 'Calvin Klein' McFly and the metaphorically challenged Biff Tannen, George (reading from his notepad) proclaims his love for Lorraine with the words "you are my 'density'"!
Her puzzled look forces George to re-read his notes, and time seems to stand still as he correctly exclaims:
"You are my destiny!"
Destiny... my dictionary defines it as "the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future".
This past weekend I was playing with Glenn Garrett (www.glenngarrett.com) down at Auburn University to a small but passionate group of students. Glenn's challenge is still ringing in my ears, that the greatest force in the universe is love, and that we all have a destiny. As Christ-followers our destiny is to love Him and love our neighbors, and in doing so both fulfill and proclaim this destiny.
I've seen many moments of this fulfillment in my faith journey... but equally as many where we've fallen woefully short of the mark. But lately I have been reminded at every turn of the longing in every heart for love, acceptance, community, and purpose. The Bible explains this desire in that "...He has also set eternity in the hearts of men..." (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV)
The implication is huge; in other words, this destiny is not the working of some 'hidden power', but the God-breathed and inspired plan He has for each one of us!
Now that's a destiny to look forward to!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Point of View
Hi gang! I'm heading out tomorrow for NC, home for a day or two, and then back out on the road. I've been meaning to share this editorial I found during the Easter season. It's by Roland Martin and I found it to be intriguing. I'd love to hear what you think about Mr. Martin's comments. Enjoy!
By Roland Martin
CNN Contributor
Editor's note: Roland Martin is a CNN contributor and talk-show host on WVON-AM in Chicago, Illinois. He is the author of "Listening to the Spirit Within: 50 Perspectives on Faith."
NEW YORK (CNN) -- When did it come to the point that being a Christian meant caring about only two issues, abortion and homosexuality?
Ask the nonreligious what being a Christian today means, and based on what we see and read, it's a good bet they will say that followers of Jesus Christ are preoccupied with those two points.
Poverty? Whatever. Homelessness? An afterthought. A widening gap between the have and have-nots? Immaterial. Divorce? The divorce rate of Christians mirrors the national average, so that's no big deal.
The point is that being a Christian should be about more than abortion and homosexuality, and it's high time that those not considered a part of the religious right expose the hypocrisy of our brothers and sisters in Christianity and take back the faith. And those on the left who believe they have a "get out of sin free" card must not be allowed to justify their actions.
Many people believe we are engaged in a holy war. And we are. But it's not with Muslims. The real war -- the silent war -- is being engaged among Christians, and that's what we must set our sights on.
As we celebrate Holy Week, our focus is on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But aren't we also to recommit ourselves to live more like Jesus? Did Jesus spend his time focusing on all that he didn't like, or did Jesus raise the consciousness of the people to understand love, compassion and teach them about following the will of God?
As a layman studying to receive a master's in Christian communications, and the husband of an ordained minister, it's troubling to listen to "Christian radio" and hear the kind of hate spewing out of the mouths of my brothers and sisters in the faith.
In fact, I've grown tired of people who pimp God. That's right; we have a litany of individuals today who are holy, holy, holy, sing hallelujah, talk about how they love the Lord, but when it's time to walk the walk, somehow the spirit evaporates.
A couple of years ago I took exception to an e-mail blast from the Concerned Women for America. The group was angry that Democrats were blocking certain judges put up for the federal bench by President Bush. It called on Americans to fight Democrats who wanted to keep Christians off the bench.
So I called and sent an e-mail asking, "So, where were you when President Clinton appointed Christian judges to the bench? Were they truly behind Christian judges, or Republican Christian judges?
Surprise, surprise. There was never a response.
An African-American pastor I know in the Midwest was asked by a group of mostly white clergy to march in an anti-abortion rally. He was fine with that, but then asked the clergy if they would work with him to fight crack houses in predominantly black neighborhoods.
"That's really your problem," he was told.
They saw abortion as a moral imperative, but not a community ravaged by crack.
If abortion and gay marriage are part of the Christian agenda, I have no issue with that. Those are moral issues that should be of importance to people of the faith, but the agenda should be much, much broader.
I'm looking for the day when Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Joyce Meyer, James Dobson, Tony Perkins, James Kennedy, Rod Parsley, " Patriot Pastors" and Rick Warren will sit at the same table as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Cynthia Hale, Eddie L. Long, James Meek, Fred Price, Emmanuel Cleaver and Floyd Flake to establish a call to arms on racism, AIDS, police brutality, a national health care policy, our sorry education system. If they all say they love and worship one God, one Jesus, let's see them rally their members behind one agenda.
I stand here today not as a Republican or a liberal. And don't bother calling me a Democrat or a conservative. I am a man, an African-American man who has professed that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that's to whom I bow down.
If you concur, it's time to stop allowing a chosen few to speak for the masses. Quit letting them define the agenda.
So put on the full armor of God because we have work to do.
What is your take on this commentary?
The opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the writer. This is part of an occasional series of commentaries on CNN.com offering a broad range of perspectives, thoughts and points of view.
By Roland Martin
CNN Contributor
Editor's note: Roland Martin is a CNN contributor and talk-show host on WVON-AM in Chicago, Illinois. He is the author of "Listening to the Spirit Within: 50 Perspectives on Faith."
NEW YORK (CNN) -- When did it come to the point that being a Christian meant caring about only two issues, abortion and homosexuality?
Ask the nonreligious what being a Christian today means, and based on what we see and read, it's a good bet they will say that followers of Jesus Christ are preoccupied with those two points.
Poverty? Whatever. Homelessness? An afterthought. A widening gap between the have and have-nots? Immaterial. Divorce? The divorce rate of Christians mirrors the national average, so that's no big deal.
The point is that being a Christian should be about more than abortion and homosexuality, and it's high time that those not considered a part of the religious right expose the hypocrisy of our brothers and sisters in Christianity and take back the faith. And those on the left who believe they have a "get out of sin free" card must not be allowed to justify their actions.
Many people believe we are engaged in a holy war. And we are. But it's not with Muslims. The real war -- the silent war -- is being engaged among Christians, and that's what we must set our sights on.
As we celebrate Holy Week, our focus is on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But aren't we also to recommit ourselves to live more like Jesus? Did Jesus spend his time focusing on all that he didn't like, or did Jesus raise the consciousness of the people to understand love, compassion and teach them about following the will of God?
As a layman studying to receive a master's in Christian communications, and the husband of an ordained minister, it's troubling to listen to "Christian radio" and hear the kind of hate spewing out of the mouths of my brothers and sisters in the faith.
In fact, I've grown tired of people who pimp God. That's right; we have a litany of individuals today who are holy, holy, holy, sing hallelujah, talk about how they love the Lord, but when it's time to walk the walk, somehow the spirit evaporates.
A couple of years ago I took exception to an e-mail blast from the Concerned Women for America. The group was angry that Democrats were blocking certain judges put up for the federal bench by President Bush. It called on Americans to fight Democrats who wanted to keep Christians off the bench.
So I called and sent an e-mail asking, "So, where were you when President Clinton appointed Christian judges to the bench? Were they truly behind Christian judges, or Republican Christian judges?
Surprise, surprise. There was never a response.
An African-American pastor I know in the Midwest was asked by a group of mostly white clergy to march in an anti-abortion rally. He was fine with that, but then asked the clergy if they would work with him to fight crack houses in predominantly black neighborhoods.
"That's really your problem," he was told.
They saw abortion as a moral imperative, but not a community ravaged by crack.
If abortion and gay marriage are part of the Christian agenda, I have no issue with that. Those are moral issues that should be of importance to people of the faith, but the agenda should be much, much broader.
I'm looking for the day when Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Joyce Meyer, James Dobson, Tony Perkins, James Kennedy, Rod Parsley, " Patriot Pastors" and Rick Warren will sit at the same table as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Cynthia Hale, Eddie L. Long, James Meek, Fred Price, Emmanuel Cleaver and Floyd Flake to establish a call to arms on racism, AIDS, police brutality, a national health care policy, our sorry education system. If they all say they love and worship one God, one Jesus, let's see them rally their members behind one agenda.
I stand here today not as a Republican or a liberal. And don't bother calling me a Democrat or a conservative. I am a man, an African-American man who has professed that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that's to whom I bow down.
If you concur, it's time to stop allowing a chosen few to speak for the masses. Quit letting them define the agenda.
So put on the full armor of God because we have work to do.
What is your take on this commentary?
The opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the writer. This is part of an occasional series of commentaries on CNN.com offering a broad range of perspectives, thoughts and points of view.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
A Kind of Homecoming
Hi... it's me again! It's Sunday evening, and I need to tie up some loose ends from the past week and the end of the Reveal Tour. We finished up this past Friday night in Meridian, MS, and with only 300 miles between me and Thompson's Station... you guessed it! I headed for the house. As I drove, my thoughts became more and more centered on home. But many of the events and images from this tour kept flooding my mind and I realized that 'home' was more central to the week than I imagined...
In a high school auditorium 'less than full', I was humbled on Thursday night by sight of the 4 or 5 folks who came home that night. God's way of measuring success is far better than mine!
In Meridian on Friday night, I watched a student struggle to answer the call for home. I saw a miracle take place as spiritual warfare waged inside this teenager. The result? Another homecoming!
As I drove through the night to get home, the sight of a dazzling lightning storm had me spellbound. With each bolt
crossing the sky, I couldn't help but think of how God casts my sins as far as East is from the West. My desire to get home to my family was nothing compared to the thought of the 'homecoming' to come, and how soon and quickly it will happen.
Thanks again to all of you who prayed for us this past week. I truly wish you could see what I get to see... lives that had no hope, suddenly filled to overflowing with the Hope that only Christ brings. I am always humbled by the fact that God chooses to use broken and shattered people to point the way toward Him, and that I have the honor to use what skills I have in His service.
This Wednesday I head up to Asheville and the Biltmore Baptist Church for one last event tied to this tour...
The 'homecoming' concert!!
Love you all!
In a high school auditorium 'less than full', I was humbled on Thursday night by sight of the 4 or 5 folks who came home that night. God's way of measuring success is far better than mine!
In Meridian on Friday night, I watched a student struggle to answer the call for home. I saw a miracle take place as spiritual warfare waged inside this teenager. The result? Another homecoming!
As I drove through the night to get home, the sight of a dazzling lightning storm had me spellbound. With each bolt
crossing the sky, I couldn't help but think of how God casts my sins as far as East is from the West. My desire to get home to my family was nothing compared to the thought of the 'homecoming' to come, and how soon and quickly it will happen.
Thanks again to all of you who prayed for us this past week. I truly wish you could see what I get to see... lives that had no hope, suddenly filled to overflowing with the Hope that only Christ brings. I am always humbled by the fact that God chooses to use broken and shattered people to point the way toward Him, and that I have the honor to use what skills I have in His service.
This Wednesday I head up to Asheville and the Biltmore Baptist Church for one last event tied to this tour...
The 'homecoming' concert!!
Love you all!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
No 'Biloxi Blues' tonight
Whew! What a day! I just got back to the hotel after a full day. I've already mentioned the VBS at the FEMA trailers, the senior adult lunch at FBC Biloxi, and the setup for tonights' event. That alone would be plenty to qualify as a productive day.
But around 6:30pm, the student room at FBC Biloxi was almost full (close to 300 folks) as Kevin and the band began to lead worship. Let me stop right here and brag on Austin, Preston, and Zack for doing an incredible job in the band. These young guys have been working tirelessly to prepare for this tour. Not only are they hanging in on the worship set, but they are kicking on the choir songs. What makes this significant is that we are playing along to prerecorded tracks with extra musical parts. This means that these guys are having to play along with a click track while using in-ear monitors; there are a lot of adult pro musicians who can't do this! And an honorable mention goes to Frederick, one of the soloists who is helping us lead worship, and our buddy Zack B. running monitors. What a talented bunch of students!
Tonight was pretty incredible. Due to the nature of a production like this, there's little or no variation in the concert from night to night. But our speaker, Gary Permenter is bringing a fresh message each time, weaving a thread to our tour theme of 'what are you waiting for?' And that pretty much sums it up. Gary presented the Good News in such a simple and powerful fashion. It was a significant moment for many as Holy Spirit moved and did his work.
I couldn't help but notice this one young lady on the other side of the room from the band. After the invitation had finished and the choir prepared to end the night with a big number, this girl still had her head bowed... her face in her hands. The student pastor of this church was sitting next to her and was quietly praying. God's Spirit was so strong that she literally was humbled in His presence.
So, no big numbers to report, no 'evangelistic exaggeration' of the dozens and dozens of commitments... just the awesome sight of God moving in such a powerful way. For me, this was the high point of this tour so far. We may be tired, but we don't have a case of the blues; far from it! Tonight there are several new members of God's family, and we had the humbling privilege of being able to sing His praise and tell the story of His love, mercy, and grace!
Tomorrow brings the last day of our VBS outreach, as well as our work projects. Our venue tomorrow is a local school auditorium and we're hoping that the crowd there will be as excited and receptive as tonight. On Friday we'll be up in Meridian, but I don't want to rush too far ahead; I can't wait to see what's in store for tomorrow.
Thanks to those of you who've written with words of encouragement and prayer for this week. I'm certain that you have had a hand in the success of this tour. Thank you!!!
Until tomorrow, God bless!!
But around 6:30pm, the student room at FBC Biloxi was almost full (close to 300 folks) as Kevin and the band began to lead worship. Let me stop right here and brag on Austin, Preston, and Zack for doing an incredible job in the band. These young guys have been working tirelessly to prepare for this tour. Not only are they hanging in on the worship set, but they are kicking on the choir songs. What makes this significant is that we are playing along to prerecorded tracks with extra musical parts. This means that these guys are having to play along with a click track while using in-ear monitors; there are a lot of adult pro musicians who can't do this! And an honorable mention goes to Frederick, one of the soloists who is helping us lead worship, and our buddy Zack B. running monitors. What a talented bunch of students!
Tonight was pretty incredible. Due to the nature of a production like this, there's little or no variation in the concert from night to night. But our speaker, Gary Permenter is bringing a fresh message each time, weaving a thread to our tour theme of 'what are you waiting for?' And that pretty much sums it up. Gary presented the Good News in such a simple and powerful fashion. It was a significant moment for many as Holy Spirit moved and did his work.
I couldn't help but notice this one young lady on the other side of the room from the band. After the invitation had finished and the choir prepared to end the night with a big number, this girl still had her head bowed... her face in her hands. The student pastor of this church was sitting next to her and was quietly praying. God's Spirit was so strong that she literally was humbled in His presence.
So, no big numbers to report, no 'evangelistic exaggeration' of the dozens and dozens of commitments... just the awesome sight of God moving in such a powerful way. For me, this was the high point of this tour so far. We may be tired, but we don't have a case of the blues; far from it! Tonight there are several new members of God's family, and we had the humbling privilege of being able to sing His praise and tell the story of His love, mercy, and grace!
Tomorrow brings the last day of our VBS outreach, as well as our work projects. Our venue tomorrow is a local school auditorium and we're hoping that the crowd there will be as excited and receptive as tonight. On Friday we'll be up in Meridian, but I don't want to rush too far ahead; I can't wait to see what's in store for tomorrow.
Thanks to those of you who've written with words of encouragement and prayer for this week. I'm certain that you have had a hand in the success of this tour. Thank you!!!
Until tomorrow, God bless!!
Gulf Coast update
If you're keeping score, it's Day Three of this tour; and yes, that means no entry for Day Two, but it was both busy and good! Today I'm sitting in the student room of FBC Biloxi while setup goes on around me.

We just finished doing a few songs for a Senior lunch and Gary Permenter brought a hilarious yet timely message about who we can and should forgive and have compassion for. He made a statement that is so true... 'hurt people hurt people' and that we should remember that when we encounter people difficult to love and accept.
Yesterday and today Kevin and I did a few songs for the VBS outreach we're doing each morning at the FEMA trailers. Imagine a really large mobile home park and you'll have an idea of the housing that many of the displaced Katrina survivors now inhabit. We've seen a dozen or so kids come out and play and listen to us sing songs and tell the Good News about Christ.
The concert last night at Petal-Harvey BC went well. While we have been playing mainly to church folks, Elizabeth (a junior girl from the Reveal Choir) said it best in the luncheon today; 'we are passing our joy onto the people in this area'. If we can give Hope to the hopeless, we'll gladly let Holy Spirit do the rest!
Pray for us tonight! We kick it at 6:30 and last year at this church was simply rockin!
God bless!
We just finished doing a few songs for a Senior lunch and Gary Permenter brought a hilarious yet timely message about who we can and should forgive and have compassion for. He made a statement that is so true... 'hurt people hurt people' and that we should remember that when we encounter people difficult to love and accept.
Yesterday and today Kevin and I did a few songs for the VBS outreach we're doing each morning at the FEMA trailers. Imagine a really large mobile home park and you'll have an idea of the housing that many of the displaced Katrina survivors now inhabit. We've seen a dozen or so kids come out and play and listen to us sing songs and tell the Good News about Christ.
The concert last night at Petal-Harvey BC went well. While we have been playing mainly to church folks, Elizabeth (a junior girl from the Reveal Choir) said it best in the luncheon today; 'we are passing our joy onto the people in this area'. If we can give Hope to the hopeless, we'll gladly let Holy Spirit do the rest!
Pray for us tonight! We kick it at 6:30 and last year at this church was simply rockin!
God bless!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Putting the 'Road' in 'Road Journal'

Hello from Meridian, MS and Day One of the Biltmore BC Reveal Student Choir tour. It was about this same time last year that this BIG group of students (along with adult leaders) hit this area to help with Hurricane Katrina relief, and to spread the Good News through song.
Me? I'm just the guitar player, but I'm honored to once again be a part of what I know will be a life-changing experience for many. Tonight we have a full production rehearsal at the Petal-Harvey BC right outside Hattiesburg. And what a production... a kicking sound system, a cool lighting rig, video, and a full band and close to 200 singing/dancing excited students! Our first concert is tomorrow night, but the coolest part of this whole deal is that during the day the team will be assisting the Katrina relief effort. Last year this included some pretty heavy demolition and clean-up; this year will be strictly painting, so that means a great deal of work has been going on in our absence.
I'll be blogging every day and will do my best to describe our efforts, and will put up a pic or two when words fail. Expect a LOT of pictures! lol
Thanks for praying for us... I know the God we celebrated yesterday will be doing incredible things today and tomorrow!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
It's been 13 days and about 1300 miles since my last post. The past fortnight has had me in Tupelo with our friends at Trace Crossing, down with the Kevin Williams Band in a revival for FBC Brandon, MS. Tonight I'm writing from the Asheville, NC area, where I've been working with the Reveal Band in preparation for their student choir tour down on the gulf coast area (yes, still in great need from the effects of Hurricane Katrina).
But tonight I have been thinking about infidelity. You know... the act or state of unfaithfulness. It's true that the infidelity of a well-known Christian evangelist has made the news in a big way. And the reaction to this bombshell has been alarmingly varied. Beyond the shock and disbelief, the admission of evangelist Rick Ousley of his lack of fidelity has shaken many people to the core.
My own reaction was alarming even to myself. I served with Rick for seven years. He's been a friend and help to me and my family in ways too numerous to count. I, too, felt shock... and didn't want to believe, and I've been alternating between sadness, anger, and fear. These emotions were nothing compared to what I felt when I read some of the recent blog sites that have sprung up. While there are a few voices advocating prayer and mercy for all, most of the voices are raised in anger, vowing to keep Rick from ever preaching again.
Should Rick be allowed to one day again present the Word? I honestly don't know. But I do know that there is another issue that's far more important to consider. With the angry mob demanding this and that, and disenfranchised Pharisees egging them on with words of what can't and shouldn't and must not ever be... I stop and wonder what Christ would say and do.
I know exactly what he'd do. With the crowd gathered for the kill, stones in hand... Jesus would kneel and draw in the dirt. You already know what he'd say, too. Let those with no sin whatsoever in their lives throw the first shot.
With my rock in hand, poised to throw, I think of the thousands of ways I've commited infidelity. Usually we think of this in regard to sexual relationships, and this is a biggie, with physical and spiritual rammifications and consequences beyond our initial grasp. But equally big in God's eyes is our unfaithfulness when we look on someone or something in lust. What about being unfaithful to help and to pray for those in need? What about the infidelity of gossip?? Of failure to give to God the first fruits of our labor? What about setting myself up in the place of God as judge?? The list is as endless as the 'moral failure' in each of our lives.
There are no winners in this current mess, that much is clear. And only time will show the truth of how Grace will work in this situation and in the lives of all involved. But there is not one person on this planet that is worthy of forgiveness and mercy and grace.
But God extends it anyway. Even to those we don't want to have it.
I think I'll drop my rock now.
In His Mercy,
But tonight I have been thinking about infidelity. You know... the act or state of unfaithfulness. It's true that the infidelity of a well-known Christian evangelist has made the news in a big way. And the reaction to this bombshell has been alarmingly varied. Beyond the shock and disbelief, the admission of evangelist Rick Ousley of his lack of fidelity has shaken many people to the core.
My own reaction was alarming even to myself. I served with Rick for seven years. He's been a friend and help to me and my family in ways too numerous to count. I, too, felt shock... and didn't want to believe, and I've been alternating between sadness, anger, and fear. These emotions were nothing compared to what I felt when I read some of the recent blog sites that have sprung up. While there are a few voices advocating prayer and mercy for all, most of the voices are raised in anger, vowing to keep Rick from ever preaching again.
Should Rick be allowed to one day again present the Word? I honestly don't know. But I do know that there is another issue that's far more important to consider. With the angry mob demanding this and that, and disenfranchised Pharisees egging them on with words of what can't and shouldn't and must not ever be... I stop and wonder what Christ would say and do.
I know exactly what he'd do. With the crowd gathered for the kill, stones in hand... Jesus would kneel and draw in the dirt. You already know what he'd say, too. Let those with no sin whatsoever in their lives throw the first shot.
With my rock in hand, poised to throw, I think of the thousands of ways I've commited infidelity. Usually we think of this in regard to sexual relationships, and this is a biggie, with physical and spiritual rammifications and consequences beyond our initial grasp. But equally big in God's eyes is our unfaithfulness when we look on someone or something in lust. What about being unfaithful to help and to pray for those in need? What about the infidelity of gossip?? Of failure to give to God the first fruits of our labor? What about setting myself up in the place of God as judge?? The list is as endless as the 'moral failure' in each of our lives.
There are no winners in this current mess, that much is clear. And only time will show the truth of how Grace will work in this situation and in the lives of all involved. But there is not one person on this planet that is worthy of forgiveness and mercy and grace.
But God extends it anyway. Even to those we don't want to have it.
I think I'll drop my rock now.
In His Mercy,
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Sending out an SOS
Shocked to hear from me so soon? Me too, but I vowed to be a better blogger! Last night I joined Kevin Williams and Randy Tolleson at an 'SOS" campus outreach at Mississippi State. This is a monthly deal that features us doing some cool cover songs as well as a set of worship tunes. The speaker is the always funny and always insightful Gary Permenter (www.www.garypermenter.org).
While our crowd was low (due to a change of dates), we had a great time. We did a cool 'rendering' of Finger 11's "One Thing" that capped off the night. Gary's message really hit home to me, as he was sharing how God has called us not to 'comfort' but to a life of service. For some, their service might be in the center of the spotlight of major events on a global scale. For others, it may be out on the fringes, serving those who society deems 'unloveable'. Wherever we are called, the key is to follow the leading of Holy Spirit to your particular place of service.
This really resonated with me. I love big shows and lights and sound and all, but I'm equally at home in a coffeehouse or even a living room. I fully expect this year to contain both kinds of events for me and Project Onefifty.
But I think the MS State guys have got it right in that they are answering 'distress calls'. I never want to be guilty of trying to mandate my own brand of morality, but I pray that my music is laced liberally with truth and grace, and delivered with love.
This week is filled with wrapping more recording projects and then I'm back out with Kevin Williams and the boys in a week-long event in Brandon, MS (with a one night service at the Church at Trace Crossings in Tupelo).
I've begun recording demos for a follow-up project to my "Spheres of Influence" CD (released way back in 2004). It's still amazing to me how SOI is still reaching new folks each and every day. But I am incredibly excited about this new project. More than just a music CD, it will include a companion book, a DVD, and what I hope to be an amazing live event, with great production elements that will make you consider some of the Big Questions but in a fun and inspiring way.
OK, enough hype... thanks for praying!
Love you, gang!
While our crowd was low (due to a change of dates), we had a great time. We did a cool 'rendering' of Finger 11's "One Thing" that capped off the night. Gary's message really hit home to me, as he was sharing how God has called us not to 'comfort' but to a life of service. For some, their service might be in the center of the spotlight of major events on a global scale. For others, it may be out on the fringes, serving those who society deems 'unloveable'. Wherever we are called, the key is to follow the leading of Holy Spirit to your particular place of service.
This really resonated with me. I love big shows and lights and sound and all, but I'm equally at home in a coffeehouse or even a living room. I fully expect this year to contain both kinds of events for me and Project Onefifty.
But I think the MS State guys have got it right in that they are answering 'distress calls'. I never want to be guilty of trying to mandate my own brand of morality, but I pray that my music is laced liberally with truth and grace, and delivered with love.
This week is filled with wrapping more recording projects and then I'm back out with Kevin Williams and the boys in a week-long event in Brandon, MS (with a one night service at the Church at Trace Crossings in Tupelo).
I've begun recording demos for a follow-up project to my "Spheres of Influence" CD (released way back in 2004). It's still amazing to me how SOI is still reaching new folks each and every day. But I am incredibly excited about this new project. More than just a music CD, it will include a companion book, a DVD, and what I hope to be an amazing live event, with great production elements that will make you consider some of the Big Questions but in a fun and inspiring way.
OK, enough hype... thanks for praying!
Love you, gang!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
The Return of the Slacker!
Ok, it's true... I have been a 'blog slacker'. But the dog didn't eat my laptop... I really have been busy! And for that I am very grateful!
I was on the road this past weekend with my longtime drummer buddy and fellow 'Spring Hillian' Jim Pollard. We were playing a D-Now student event at a camp near Paducah, KY for our mutual friend Rob Perry (www.robperryministries.org). Joining Rob in the band were another long-time buddy Larry Shaw on bass, a newer friend Billy Smith on BGVs, and their young tech guru Nathan Daniels.
It was a great weekend, but Rob was one of the folks who shamed me into getting the blog current (he said he'd read my last entry 'Tupelo Honey' more than a few times).
So, here's a month-by-month (!) sampling of what's transpired since January 21st...
21-23 Session for Birmingham worship leader Billy Smith at Bates Brothers Recording(www.batesbrothersrecording.com)
24 Radio interview on the Preacher & the Doc show WXJC AM, Birmingham, AL
26-28 Student retreat with Kevin Williams in Brandon, MS (www.kevinwiliams.org).
28 (pm) Concert with Glenn Garrett in Huntsville, AL (www.glenngarrett.com).
31 FBC Jackson, TN with my drummer buddy Glenn Williams and bassist extraordinare Chris Kent
4 Played at the Bluebird Cafe for my pal Jim Pollard (yes, it was Super Bowl Sunday, but we had a great time!)
11, 18 Helped lead worship at my church, the People's Church (11th Spring Hill campus, 18th in Franklin)
20 My son Colin's 11th birthday!! Woo hoo!
21 Writing and demo session with local songwriter Melody Morris. I also played at Lyric's that evening with Melody.
22 Played guitar with Camp Kirkland and the Nashville Praise Symphony (www.nashvillepraise.org) on the General Jackson Riverboat. This was a fundraiser event for a international mission organization called the HopeHouse International (www.hopehouseinternational.org). Lee Greenwood was just one of the luminaries who performed that evening.
23-25 Another Kevin Williams weekend! Friday at the Church at Trace Crossing, Tupelo, MS; Saturday night a student event in New Hope, MS; Sunday morning BACK at Trace Crossing, and finally a student gig at Mississippi State University in Starkville... whew!
28 Wrapped the month playing once again over at FBC Jackson
March (we're almost there!!)
2 Started the month playing a showcase for Sony writer Ben Caver. Ben is a B'ham boy who seems to be on the rise! Be watching for Ben the next months and years... he's really good!
4, 11 Played at the Spring Hill campus of TPC
9 Worked with country artist Shane Prather up in Hopkinsville, KY
And all through February and March I've been working on projects for Jen Timmerman, Melody Morris, LifeWay (more about this later), and Prism Music.
Tomorrow I'm on the road to Starkville for Kevin Williams and the following week I'm again out with KMW for a week-long revival at FBC Brandon, MS.
I will make every effort to keep you up date, because the next few months are shaping up to be very, very, VERY busy!! Thank God!
Thanks as always for your prayers and your support. There are some really exciting things on the horizon, and I'll be filling you in over the next few days and weeks.
God bless!
I was on the road this past weekend with my longtime drummer buddy and fellow 'Spring Hillian' Jim Pollard. We were playing a D-Now student event at a camp near Paducah, KY for our mutual friend Rob Perry (www.robperryministries.org). Joining Rob in the band were another long-time buddy Larry Shaw on bass, a newer friend Billy Smith on BGVs, and their young tech guru Nathan Daniels.
It was a great weekend, but Rob was one of the folks who shamed me into getting the blog current (he said he'd read my last entry 'Tupelo Honey' more than a few times).
So, here's a month-by-month (!) sampling of what's transpired since January 21st...
21-23 Session for Birmingham worship leader Billy Smith at Bates Brothers Recording(www.batesbrothersrecording.com)
24 Radio interview on the Preacher & the Doc show WXJC AM, Birmingham, AL
26-28 Student retreat with Kevin Williams in Brandon, MS (www.kevinwiliams.org).
28 (pm) Concert with Glenn Garrett in Huntsville, AL (www.glenngarrett.com).
31 FBC Jackson, TN with my drummer buddy Glenn Williams and bassist extraordinare Chris Kent
4 Played at the Bluebird Cafe for my pal Jim Pollard (yes, it was Super Bowl Sunday, but we had a great time!)
11, 18 Helped lead worship at my church, the People's Church (11th Spring Hill campus, 18th in Franklin)
20 My son Colin's 11th birthday!! Woo hoo!
21 Writing and demo session with local songwriter Melody Morris. I also played at Lyric's that evening with Melody.
22 Played guitar with Camp Kirkland and the Nashville Praise Symphony (www.nashvillepraise.org) on the General Jackson Riverboat. This was a fundraiser event for a international mission organization called the HopeHouse International (www.hopehouseinternational.org). Lee Greenwood was just one of the luminaries who performed that evening.
23-25 Another Kevin Williams weekend! Friday at the Church at Trace Crossing, Tupelo, MS; Saturday night a student event in New Hope, MS; Sunday morning BACK at Trace Crossing, and finally a student gig at Mississippi State University in Starkville... whew!
28 Wrapped the month playing once again over at FBC Jackson
March (we're almost there!!)
2 Started the month playing a showcase for Sony writer Ben Caver. Ben is a B'ham boy who seems to be on the rise! Be watching for Ben the next months and years... he's really good!
4, 11 Played at the Spring Hill campus of TPC
9 Worked with country artist Shane Prather up in Hopkinsville, KY
And all through February and March I've been working on projects for Jen Timmerman, Melody Morris, LifeWay (more about this later), and Prism Music.
Tomorrow I'm on the road to Starkville for Kevin Williams and the following week I'm again out with KMW for a week-long revival at FBC Brandon, MS.
I will make every effort to keep you up date, because the next few months are shaping up to be very, very, VERY busy!! Thank God!
Thanks as always for your prayers and your support. There are some really exciting things on the horizon, and I'll be filling you in over the next few days and weeks.
God bless!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Tupelo Honey
Yes, that is the title of a great Van Morrison song, but it has nothing to do with this post. Well...except for us playing in Tupelo, MS today!
You've read an earlier entry about the Church at Trace Crossing, which features the tag team of Kevin & Kevin (Wood & Williams, the pastor and worship leader, respectively). Kevin Williams was out today doing a Disciple Now weekend in Brookhaven, MS, so I was asked to fill in.
And since I have such a lovely singing voice, I brought 'a ringer' with me. Michael Hill is one of my new buds from up here in Spring Hill, TN. Not only is he a great singer and guitarist, but he's helping to develop a cool video game with a Christian worldview. This 38 year old guy also looks to be about 25, making me look like the venerable & wisened veteran that I am. So today, Trace Crossing got 'Age and Beauty' (guess who is who... lol).
Michael and I got on the road about 5:15 A.M. (ugggh) and made the trip down. Michael and his family moved to TN from the San Francisco Bay area and it was his first time in Mississippi and Alabama. At one point he asked if that was a cotton field on the side of the road (which it was, of course). A day of firsts!!
But what a great day. We had a great worship time, which once again found us playing "I Will Trust in You". Kevin Wood had asked me to relay the story behind the song, which I am always glad to do. It really tied into his message, and it once again humbled me to see how God is using that tough time in our lives that inspired the song that God gave for comfort.
As we headed back, we just couldn't resist driving by Elvis's birthplace... we even sang "Heartbreak Hotel" (with the Raga harmony parts).

Tomorrow I'll be in Birmingham through Friday morning (doing some sessions at Bates Brothers Recording, and another radio interview on WXJC AM850 on Thursday). Friday through Sunday morning I'll be with Kevin Williams and his band in the Jackson, MS area, and I end this busy week with a Sunday night Huntsville concert with my pal Glenn Garrett.
Thanks for your continued prayers. It makes the time on the road and away from home almost as sweet as Tupelo Honey!
You've read an earlier entry about the Church at Trace Crossing, which features the tag team of Kevin & Kevin (Wood & Williams, the pastor and worship leader, respectively). Kevin Williams was out today doing a Disciple Now weekend in Brookhaven, MS, so I was asked to fill in.
And since I have such a lovely singing voice, I brought 'a ringer' with me. Michael Hill is one of my new buds from up here in Spring Hill, TN. Not only is he a great singer and guitarist, but he's helping to develop a cool video game with a Christian worldview. This 38 year old guy also looks to be about 25, making me look like the venerable & wisened veteran that I am. So today, Trace Crossing got 'Age and Beauty' (guess who is who... lol).
Michael and I got on the road about 5:15 A.M. (ugggh) and made the trip down. Michael and his family moved to TN from the San Francisco Bay area and it was his first time in Mississippi and Alabama. At one point he asked if that was a cotton field on the side of the road (which it was, of course). A day of firsts!!
But what a great day. We had a great worship time, which once again found us playing "I Will Trust in You". Kevin Wood had asked me to relay the story behind the song, which I am always glad to do. It really tied into his message, and it once again humbled me to see how God is using that tough time in our lives that inspired the song that God gave for comfort.
As we headed back, we just couldn't resist driving by Elvis's birthplace... we even sang "Heartbreak Hotel" (with the Raga harmony parts).

Tomorrow I'll be in Birmingham through Friday morning (doing some sessions at Bates Brothers Recording, and another radio interview on WXJC AM850 on Thursday). Friday through Sunday morning I'll be with Kevin Williams and his band in the Jackson, MS area, and I end this busy week with a Sunday night Huntsville concert with my pal Glenn Garrett.
Thanks for your continued prayers. It makes the time on the road and away from home almost as sweet as Tupelo Honey!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Sometimes the hardest part of doing this journal is coming up with a title for the entry. Just how many times can you say 'on the road'? So, GV OTR n NC is my ridiculous way of saying I'm on the road in North Carolina! Cute, huh?
Last Spring, I was out with the Reveal student choir from the Biltmore Baptist Church in Asheville, NC. The choir director is my best buddy David Gaines, and we are once again going to the Gulf Coast region this coming April to do more ministry down there.
One of the goals of my ministry, Project Onefifty, is to find areas where we can do recurring work. It's great to go different places every time you tour, but it's near and dear to my heart to find areas where you can come back to and follow up where you left off. This is Reveal's strategy for this Gulf Coast tour, and I'm excited to again be part of it.
THIS weekend I'm up here helping my buddies Kevin Williams and Gary Permenter lead the choir in a workshop/retreat. It's always a fun reunion, but this time is even more special as we have our long-time drummer Jamie Rogan here. Last year Jamie started playing with the wellknown country artist Billy Currington, so it's been a long time since we've played together.
The students have been working hard on learning music and choreography, etc., but Kevin has been leading us in some great worship times, and Gary has been challenging us all to look for ways to be better ministers. What a great time!
We have 2 morning services with these folks before we head back to our regular gigs. I'll be keeping you up on what's going to happen with the tour, especially while we are out in April.
You can go ahead and start praying for this trip. It's difficult to imagine what the people on the Gulf are still going through. While things have improved down there somewhat, and there is some hope, Gary pointed out that for the people who STILL don't have a home, their hope is still 0%.
Keep praying!!
Last Spring, I was out with the Reveal student choir from the Biltmore Baptist Church in Asheville, NC. The choir director is my best buddy David Gaines, and we are once again going to the Gulf Coast region this coming April to do more ministry down there.
One of the goals of my ministry, Project Onefifty, is to find areas where we can do recurring work. It's great to go different places every time you tour, but it's near and dear to my heart to find areas where you can come back to and follow up where you left off. This is Reveal's strategy for this Gulf Coast tour, and I'm excited to again be part of it.
THIS weekend I'm up here helping my buddies Kevin Williams and Gary Permenter lead the choir in a workshop/retreat. It's always a fun reunion, but this time is even more special as we have our long-time drummer Jamie Rogan here. Last year Jamie started playing with the wellknown country artist Billy Currington, so it's been a long time since we've played together.
The students have been working hard on learning music and choreography, etc., but Kevin has been leading us in some great worship times, and Gary has been challenging us all to look for ways to be better ministers. What a great time!
We have 2 morning services with these folks before we head back to our regular gigs. I'll be keeping you up on what's going to happen with the tour, especially while we are out in April.
You can go ahead and start praying for this trip. It's difficult to imagine what the people on the Gulf are still going through. While things have improved down there somewhat, and there is some hope, Gary pointed out that for the people who STILL don't have a home, their hope is still 0%.
Keep praying!!
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